Imagine a rockabillyish pulse to it.
Chords: F, C, B flat in that order. Not that complicated, which is good at a protest.
The tune is kind of a modified Froggy-Went-A’Courtin’.
Crowd response is in parentheses.
Steal this song.
Tell them about us or don’t, but pass this song along if you like it.
Are you with me (we’re with you) today?
Are you with me (we’re with you) today?
Because today we’re going to make them see
America stands for democracy?
Oh are you with me (we’re with you) today?
Oh am I with you (you’re with us!) today?
Oh do I see you (you see me!) today?
Because the human race is built on love
It’s something to remind ourselves of
(all together)I choose to love you today
Are you with me (we’re with you) today?
Are you with me (we’re with you) today?
Because today we’re going to make them see
America stands against bigotry?
Oh are you with me (we’re with you) today?
Are we with white folks (yes indeed)?
And what about brown folks (yes indeed)?
And every kind of folks that’s every been (yes indeed)?
Well how about Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Jews
Atheists and Wiccans too?
We’re with you, we’re with you, today
Are we with straight folks (yes indeed)?
And what about trans folks (yes indeed)?
And how about bi and lesbian and queer and questioning and intersex and pansexual and asexual and monogamous and polyamorous and relationship anarchist and cis and trans and fluid and nonbinary and questioning and in between and changing and growing people everywhere, including the ones that don’t wash their hands often enough but also the ones that do? (yes indeed)
When we start drawing borders wide
We get that loving feeling inside
We are with all folks today
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